Design Guidelines

Font Icons

Font icons are used as visual supplement for text. They can help the user to understand the context and balance the design.

Grid and Keylines

All icons should be designed on a 24px * 24px artboard, with a margin of 2px. So, the design space is limited to 20px * 20px.

The foundation of icons are circles, rectangles and squares. They should
follow the keyline shown in the picture.


Adding radius on icons helps give the icons a consistent style while being distinct from other icons. There are 3 different radii.

  1. 90 degree angles must have a 1px radius.
  2. Open shaped stroke edges must be curved using a 0.5px radius.
  3. Inner junctions should never have a radius.


The width of strokes should be 2px.


The only color should be pure black (#000000) on a pure white (#FFFFFF) background.