
Slots Show plus

Properties Show plus

Emits Show plus


Navbar Structure

KtNavbar has four components:

  1. Notification: Shows global notification with number indicator
  2. Menu: Navigation links
  3. Quick Links: Customizable quick links
  4. Navbar Footer: Customizable slots


Open Example


To show notifications in KtNavbar, you can use the notification prop.

notificationData: {
	showNotification: true,
	number: 1,
	title: 'Message',
	link: '/messages'


This is how you display navigation links in KtNavbar:

menuData: [
		title: 'Order Management',
		links: [
				icon: 'invoice',
				isActive: false,
				props: {
					href: '#',
				title: 'Orders',
				icon: 'request',
				isActive: false,
				props: {
					href: '#',
				title: 'Quotes',

By default the elements from the links prop on KtNavbar are bound to an anchor
HTML element (<a />). Therefore, providing href attribute on each element suffices
in most cases. In case of the need for a custom component, provide the component
attribute and any corresponding prop that would need to be bound to it.

const links = [
	// For Nuxt's router framework
		component: 'nuxt-link',
		icon: 'invoice',
		isActive: false,
		props: {
			to: '#',
		title: 'Orders',
	// For VueRouter
		component: 'router-link',
		icon: 'request',
		isActive: false,
		props: {
			to: '#',
		title: 'Quotes',

Quick Links

quickLinksData: [{
	title: 'Create New Issue',
	link: 'https://github.com/3YOURMIND/kotti/issues/new',



Event Name Type Payload Description
@linkClick $emit $event navbar menu link was clicked
@logoClick $emit $event navbar logo was clicked