
Deprecated for
This component is deprecated and will be removed in Kotti v8.0.0
Reason: to be replaced by KtTable v2.0

Slots Show plus

Properties Show plus

Emits Show plus


Table Elements

  1. Table Heading: The table heading uses the same style as the label text. The heading should express the content of each column.
  2. Table Row: The row content uses default text style.
  3. Table Hover Action Button: The table rows can imply further functionality when they are hovered over.


In order to use the table, you need give rows and columns data to KtTableLegacy component.

columns define the column of the table, label is the header text of table, key will be used to find the value from rows.

Update: The use of key is deprecated use prop instead of key when defining columns

rows is an Array of Objects that represent a row.

For better performance in complex operations, define a rowKey to index each row with.

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" :columns="columns" />
	columns: [
		{ label: 'Name',    prop: 'name' },
		{ label: 'Date',    prop: 'date' },
		{ label: 'Address', prop: 'address.line' },
	rows: [
		{ date: '2016-05-03', name: 'Tom',     address: { number: 119, line: 'No. 119, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-02', name: 'Jackson', address: { number: 89, line: 'No. 89, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-04', name: 'Fen',     address: { number: 182, line: 'No. 182, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-01', name: 'Fexiang', address: { number: 189, line: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },

Declarative form

The columns property can be written as nested children of the table components using <KtTableLegacyColumn />.

All props that a column takes, the KtTableLegacyColumn component takes, as well, with the exception of key

prop is required

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows">
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Name" prop="name" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Address" prop="address.line" />
	rows: [
		{ date: '2016-05-03', name: 'Tom',     address: { number: 119, line: 'No. 119, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-02', name: 'Jackson', address: { number: 89, line: 'No. 89, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-04', name: 'Fen',     address: { number: 182, line: 'No. 182, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },
		{ date: '2016-05-01', name: 'Fexiang', address: { number: 189, line: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles' } },


In most cases the table is the same width as its parent. You can also specify the column width in columns.

	columns: [
		{ prop: 'name',    label: 'Name',    width: '30%' },
		{ prop: 'date',    label: 'Date',    width: '20%' },
		{ prop: 'address.line', label: 'Address', width: '50%' },

Align (Content)

Alignment would default to be left. It can be customized for common cases that require it, such as price, and currency.
align in columns decides the alignment of each column’s text.

	columns: [
		{ prop: 'name',    label: 'Name',    align: 'left' },
		{ prop: 'date',    label: 'Date',    align: 'center' },
		{ prop: 'address.line',    label: 'Address',    align: 'right' },

Horizontal Scrolling

When content should not be hidden, using horizontal scrolling is a better alternative.
isScrollable will enable horizontal scrolling for the table.

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" :columns="columns" isScrollable />


isSelectable enables mutilple-select option of the rows.

Note: The use of v-model is REMOVED. Instead, bind the Array of selected to the selected property, and subscribe to @selectionChange, which returns the currently selected rows whenever they change

Note the difference between the Array model passed to the v-model (now, removed) and that passed to the selected property.
The former is an Array of selected indices, and the latter is an Array of row Objects

Selected Rows: [
    "address": {
      "line": "No. 119, Grove St, Los Angeles",
      "number": 119
    "date": "2016-05-03",
    "name": "Tom"

Note that the use of a JSON.stringify() in a <pre></pre> tag is for readability purposes

		@selectionChange="((selection) => selected = selection)"
	<pre>Selected Rows: {{JSON.stringify(selected,undefined, 2)}} </pre>
		return {
			selected: [
					date: '2016-05-03',
					name: 'Tom',
					address: { number: 119, line: 'No. 119, Grove St, Los Angeles' },


disableRow function can be passed to KtTableLegacy to reactively disable rows, based on your view and specific row data.

<KtFieldText v-model="disableName" />
	data() {
		return {
			disableName: 'F'
	methods: {
		disableRow({ row }) {
					When row.name is just an empty string, it will match everything,
					thus, disable all
			return row.name.includes(this.disableName)

Row Interaction

KtTableLegacy has a @rowClick event for when a user clicks on a row.

Note: @activateRow is, however, the preferred alternative, because the latter gets triggered
on row click, or when the user hits the "enter/return" key while row's focused, while the former gets triggered only with clicks.
Payload from @activateRow is (row, rowIndex)

Note: Neither events get triggered on a disabled row.

<KtFieldText v-model="disableName" />
methods: {
	showAlertOnClickOrEnter(row, rowIndex) {
		alert(`${JSON.stringify(value)} is at index: ${model}!`)

Ordering Columns

You can order Columns, by dragging, if you use the useColumnDragToOrder flag

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" useColumnDragToOrder>
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Avatar" prop="name" :renderCell="renderCell" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Date" prop="date" :formatter="formatDate" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Address" prop="address.line" />


To enable sorting, you must do BOTH the following:

  • enable a UI-sorting flag useQuickSortControl
  • add sortable to any column definition (the ones to enable sorting for).
<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" useQuickSortControl>
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Name" prop="name" sortable />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Date" prop="date" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Address" prop="address.line" />

If you want to allow sorting for all columns excluding one, you can set sortable="all" on the <KtTableLegacy/>

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" useQuickSortControl sortable="all">
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Name" prop="name" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Date" prop="date" />
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Address" prop="address.line" :sortable="false" />

Note the :sortable=false on the "Address" column in the above example, as an exception to the sortable=all.

It's possible to customize your sorting experience by using the column's sortMethod, sortBy and sortOrders

<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" useQuickSortControl sortable="all">
		:sortOrders="['descending', 'ascending', undefined]"
	<!-- On click, change the next sort order -->
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Date" prop="date" :sortMethod="sortDate" />
	<!-- use custom compare function -->
		:sortBy="['address.number', byAddressLine]"
	<!-- target different props on the row  -->

sortOrders determines the order by which sorting criteria changes with each click on the sorting buttons on the column headers. It can have one of three values:

  • 'descending' OR -1
  • 'ascending' OR 1
  • undefined OR 0 → which does not enforce any sorting, and thus, the rows are sorted according to their actual insertion in the bounded rows Object.

sortBy can take three types of arguments:

  • String ← path to any prop of the row
  • Function ← that accepts the "row" and "rowIndex" as arguments
  • Array of the above
	methods: {
		sortDate(a, b) {
			return new Date(a) - new Date(b)
		byAddressLine(row, index) {
			// get prop to sort by
			return row.address.line

Sorting resolution is handled the same way as sortBy for each column, i.e.: if the first prop used in comparison between two rows returns 0, the next one is used until we resolve by actual array order

You can pass to KtTableLegacy an array of sortedColumns of the form [{ prop, sortOrder }]

You can also initialize the table to be already sorted, by setting the sortOrder prop for one of the columns: <KtTableLegacyColumn :sortOrder="1" prop="name" />

Remote Sorting

To sort remotly:

  1. Set the remoteSort flag on <KtTableLegacy/> which disables the local table sort function.

  2. You can then listen to the @sortChange which returns:

    sortedColumns: an array of the sorted columns by priority. If sortMultiple is false, then it will allways contain one element.

    column: the column that was just sorted.

    sortOrder: the order the column is to be sorted to.

    prop: the prop to be sorted on that column

    sortBy: the value of sortBy on the column, which is useful in case you want to send the backend a different value than column.prop

  3. You can, then, set the sortedColumns prop on the <KtTableLegacy/> to update the table UI, when your backend request is resolved.

	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Name" prop="name" />
	<!-- sortBy in this case is "name" since it is the `prop` -->
	<KtTableLegacyColumn label="Date" prop="date" sortBy="order_date" />
	methods: {
		async sort(sortChangeEvent) {
			const { sortBy, sortOrder } = sortChangeEvent;
			this.rows = await api.get(url, { params: { [sortBy]: sortOrder } })


actions adds hover actions to the table. You use the slot="actions" to define the actions template.

You must use slot-scope prop for the actions slot for it to be detected.
Update: shorthand for v-slot is used now, instead.

Actions Table
edit trash
edit trash
edit trash
edit trash

Update: Preferably, since the above syntax is now deprecated, use v-slot

v-slot syntax
<KtTableLegacy :rows="rows" :columns="columns">
	<div slot="actions" slot-scope="{ row }">
		<!-- as before  -->


isExpandable enables expandability of the rows, defined on <KtTableLegacy/>. You use the slot="expand" to define the template that shows on expansion.

Expandable Table

The default behavior only allows you to expand one row at a time; expanding one row would trigger any currently-expanded rows to shrink back.

If you want to allow for the expansion of multiple rows at a time, set the expandMultiple flag on <KtTableLegacy />, as well.

Expandable Table

Custom Render

It is possible to customize parts (columns) of the table by passing your own render-prop functions instead of using slots.

<KtTableLegacy /> supports the following render props:

  • renderEmpty → to define a custom rendered component when the table is empty, i.e., :rows=[]. slot='empty' can be used instead.
  • renderLoading → for when the rows are still loading (e.g., backend-api call has not resolved yet). slot='loading' can be used to render a template, instead.

    Note there is a loading Boolean flag, and when set to true, will render whatever is passed to renderLoading inside the table body.
    if no renderLoading function is passed, it defaults to a buffer, still.

  • renderExpand → alternative to the expand slot.
  • renderActions → alternative to the actions slot.

<KtTableLegacyColumn /> supports the following render props:

  • formatter → which applies formatting to the cell (somewhat similar to what you would consider as a computed)
  • renderHeader → custom render fn, to render a custom element in the header of the column. Instead you can use, slot='header'
  • renderCell → custom render fn, to render a custom element in the cells of the column. Instead use a default slot.
Custom Render Table
	methods: {
		formatDate(value, row, column, columnIndex, rowIndex) {
			return new Date(value).toUTCString()
		renderExpand(h, { row }) {
			return (
					<KtBanner message={row.name} icon="user" isGray />
					<KtBanner message={row.address.line} icon="global" isGray />
		showAlert(model, value) {
			alert(`${model} is ${value}!`)
		renderActions(h, { row }) {
			const onEditClick = () => this.showAlert(row.name, 'edited')
			const onDeleteClick = () => this.showAlert(row.name, 'deleted')

			return (
					<i class="yoco" onClick={onEditClick}>edit</i>
					<i class="yoco" onClick={onDeleteClick}>trash</i>
		renderHeader(h, { value, column, columnIndex }) {
			return <div>{value}</div>
		renderCell(h, { value, row, rowIndex, column, columnIndex }) {
			return (
Custom Loading
Custom loading render
Empty Table
Custom empty render
renderLoading() {
	return <div>Custom loading render</div>
renderEmpty() {
	return <div>Custom empty render</div>

You can also use slots instead of render props. [slot="loading", slot="empty", slot="header", slot="default"].

Loading Slot
Custom loading via slot
Empty Slot
Custom empty via slot
Custom empty via prop
header/default slots

Provider/Consumer and Mixin

Sometimes you may need to access the table's store and control it from outside.
While ref may work if your modifications are in the same component, your controller component may be elsewhere.

For that purpose, we introduce KtTableLegacyProvider/KtTableLegacyConsumer. The provider exposes the store, from which you can access many props from the store.
It also directly exposes columns, filteredColumns, sortedColumns, hiddenColumns, for faster accesss, and methods: hideColumn, showAllColumns, orderBeforeColumn.

<KtTableLegacyProvider /> takes the same props as <KtTableLegacy/>.

<KtTableLegacy /> can have an optional id prop that will allow the corresponding <KtTableLegacyConsumer /> to select the same id.
Otherwise, all tables under the same provider will share the same store.


  • hideColumn(column, toggleTo) → takes the column to be hidden and the negation of its current hidden prop (i.e. If it's already hidden, toggle will be set hidden to false and vice-versa)
  • showAllColumns() → takes no arguments and sets hidden prop to false on all columns
  • orderBeforeColumn(fromIndex, to Index) → used when useColumnDragToOrder flag is true. Takes the column index we're dragging from, and the index of the column before the one we're dragging to.

There’s also the deprecated KtTableColumnsStateMixin.

Consumer/Provider Table
		return 	{
			fromIndex: 0,
			dragSteps: 0
	computed: {
		toIndex() {
			const parsedFrom = parseInt(this.fromIndex, 10)
			const parsedSteps = parseInt(this.dragSteps, 10)

			return parsedFrom + parsedSteps + (parsedSteps > 0 ? 1 : 0)

The above code for orderBeforeColumn function, is meant to map the UI drag/drop behavior, exactly. Currently, you can only drag a column to any position, except to the last column (i.e. if you want to move a column to the end of the table, you have to drag it to before-the-last column, then drag the last column one step to the left to achieve this.). Currently, the implementation for the dragging behavior is done in such a way, but the feature may be added in the future.


Table Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
columns table column information Array null
disableRow disable some rows if the function is true Function
emptyText text to show when table is empty String No Data
expandMultiple allow for expanding multiple rows at once Boolean false
filteredColumns prop for changing filtered columns Array [{ prop, filter }] []
headerClass classes to apply to the table header row: <tr /> element String, Array, Object "responsive" -
hiddenColumns prop for changing hidden columns Array [{ prop, hidden }] []
id for when using nested providers String null
isInteractive allow clicking/keyboard focusing table rows Boolean false
isScrollable allow horizontal table scrolling Boolean false
isSelectable enable select option of table Boolean false
loading flag to toggle loading state. Boolean false
orderedColumns prop for changing ordered columns Array [{ prop, order }] []
remoteSort UI is enabled but table will not sort; but only publish @sortChange Boolean - false
renderActions render prop for row actions Function
renderEmpty render prop for emptyText prop, when rows are empty Function
renderExpand render prop for expand Function
renderLoading render prop for loading Function
rowKey the row prop used for the rows key String, Function
rows (required) table row data Array []
selected prop for rows that are selected, as returned by @selectionChange Array - []
sortMultiple enable sorting multiple columns Boolean - false
sortable enable sorting for all columns Boolean, String "all" false
sortedColumns prop for changing sorted columns Array [{ prop, sortOrder }] []
tdClasses classes to apply to all table data cells: <td /> elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
thClasses classes to apply to all table header cells: <th /> elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
trClasses classes to apply to all table data rows: <tr /> elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
useColumnDragToOrder enable dragging columns to change their order Boolean - false
useQuickSortControl enable toggle sort by column click UI (arrow keys) Boolean - false

Column Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
align alignment of column text String "center", "left", "right" left
cellClass classes to this column's to .kt-table__cell elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
default if cell value is undefined, use default. Does not work if you use custom render String - -
disableRowClick stop row click from bubbling up when clicking on cell Boolean - false
formatter formats value before passing it to cell Function -
headerCellClass classes to this column's to .kt-table__header-cell elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
hidden does not render this collumn if true Boolean true, false false
key deprecated. Is transalted to prop, instead String
label table column header value String
maxWidth maximum width of the column within the table String 10%, 100px -
minWidth minimum width of the column within the table String 10%, 100px -
order number to sort columns from left to right by Number -
prop (required) used to match the value in rows can be a dot path String String.String
renderCell render function to custom render table cell Function -
renderHeader render function to custom render header cell Function -
responsive control responsive display (this doesn't seem to work ) String
sortable whether this column is sortable or not Boolean, undefined true, false, undefined -
sortBy compare function to sort by String, Function, Array path string, function or array of previous column.prop
sortMethod custom sort method ignores sortBy Function - null
sortOrder the current sort order of the column String, Number, null "ascending", 1, "descending", -1, null, 0 null
sortOrders order to toggle sort Array - ["ascending", "descending", null]
tdClass classes to this column's to <td /> elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
thClass classes to this column's header to <td /> elements String, Array, Object "responsive" -
width width of the column within table. When using %, must add up to 100% String 10%, 100px auto

Consumer Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
id for when using nested providers String null


Column Events

Event Name Arguments Description
@activateRow (row: Row, index: number) Row was clicked or activated via keyboard.
@expand (row: Row, isExpanded: boolean) Row was expanded
@expandChange (expanded: Row[]) emits an array of booleans representing the selected state of each column
@orderChange (columns: { prop: string, order: number}[]) array of columns with updated order
@rowBlur (row: Row, index: number) row was blurred Requires setting isInteractive or @activateRow
@rowClick (row: Row, index: number) Row was clicked
@rowFocus (row: Row, index: number) Row was in focus Requires setting isInteractive or @activateRow
@select (selection: Row[], row: Row) a row was selected
@selectAll (selection: Row[]) all selection checkbox was toggled
@selectionChange (selection: Row[]) selection changed
@sortChange ({ prop: Column.prop, sortBy: Column.sortBy, sortOrder: Column.sortOrder, column: Column, sortedColumns: { prop: Column.prop, sortBy: Column.sortBy, sortOrder: Column.sortOrder }[] }) a column was sorted

Cell Events

Event Name Arguments Description
@cellClick ({ value: unknown, column: Column, row: Row, columnIndex: number, rowIndex: number }) a cell was clicked

It triggers @rowClick, unless bubbling up is disabled by setting disableRowClick to true


Table Slots

Slot Name Description Scope
empty what to render when no data --
loading what to render when loading is true --
actions action section of each row { value: unknown, row: Row, rowIndex: number }
expand expand section of each row { value: unknown, row: Row, rowIndex: number }

Column Slots

Slot Name Description Scope
header render in table row { value: unknown, row: Row, rowIndex: number }
default render in table cell { value: unknown, row: Row, rowIndex: number, column: Column, columnIndex: number }

Consumer Slots

Slot Name Description Scope
default provide a table's store and other methods { store: Object, columns: Column[], hiddenColumns: Column[], sortedColumns: Column[], filteredColumns: Column[], hideColumn: Function, showAllColumns: Function, orderBeforeColumn: Function }