

A toaster is a small message shown in the upper right corner of the screen, which disappears after few seconds.

Toasters can deliver messages that the user needs to pay attention to without interrupting their current workflow. Using banners is a better solution, when the message is important and shouldn't automatically disappear without the user taking action.


Toaster Structure

  1. Type Color: Depends on the type of toaster. There are three colors:

    • Green-500: for success information
    • Orange-500: for warning message
    • Red-500: for fail/alert message
  2. Message: Keep the message short and easy to understand, since the toaster disappears automatically after a few seconds.

  3. Close Button: Allows the user to dismiss this message.


Since Kotti-UI 1.0.0, vue-yodify is merged into Kotti-UI as KtToaster.

Success Long Message Error Message Warning Message

You should include KtToaster as global component in your Vue application.

<!-- for example in app.vue -->
<div id="app">
	<KtToaster />
	<router-view />

After registering the component you can call it globally by using the Vue instance in the script part of a component.

	text: 'This was successful :)',
	type: 'success', // optional, default
	duration: 3000, // optional, default


Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
duration duration after which the toaster disappears Number 3000
text text message in the toaster String
type define the type of the toaster String success, error, warning success