<script lang="ts"> import { createToaster, KtButton, KtToast, KtToaster } from '@3yourmind/kotti-ui' const toaster = createToaster<{ default: Record<string, never> 'my-error-toast': Record<string, never> 'my-info-toast': Record<string, never> 'my-link-toast': { href: string, label: string, }, 'my-minimalistic-toast': Record<string, never> 'my-success-toast': Record<string, never>, 'my-warning-toast': Record<string, never> }>() const show = toaster.withOptions({ duration: 5000 }) export default defineComponent({ name: 'Example', components: { KtButton, KtToast, KtToaster, }, setup () { // you can also try this in your browser console globalThis.toaster = toaster return { defaultToast: () => { show({ header: 'default header', text: 'default toast', }) }, errorToast: () => { show({ text: 'I am an error toast', type: 'my-error-toast', }) }, infoToast: () => { show({ text: 'I am an info toast', type: 'my-info-toast', }) }, linkToast: () => { show({ custom: { href: 'https://github.com/3YOURMIND/kotti', label: 'See documentation', }, text: 'link toast', type: 'my-link-toast', }) }, minimalisticToast: () => { show({ text: 'minimalistic toast', type: 'my-minimalistic-toast', }) }, permanentToast: () => { show({ duration: null, text: 'This is a one-line toast message. This is a one-line toast message. This is a one-line toast message.', }) }, successToast: () => { show({ text: 'success toast', type: 'my-success-toast', }) }, warningToast: () => { show({ text: 'I am a warning toast', type: 'my-warning-toast', }) }, } } }) </script> <template> <KtToaster :toaster='toaster'> <template #my-minimalistic-toast> <KtToast :type='{ icon: null, backgroundColor: 'black', darkColor: 'black', lightColor: 'var(--gray-70)' }' /> </template> <template #my-link-toast='{ custom, text }'> <KtToast> <template #text> <span v-text='text' /> <a :href='custom.href'>{{ custom.label }}</a> </template> </KtToast> </template> <template #my-error-toast> <KtToast type='error' /> </template> <template #my-info-toast> <KtToast type='info' /> </template> <template #my-success-toast> <KtToast type='success' /> </template> <template #my-warning-toast> <KtToast type='warning' /> </template> </KtToaster> <div style='display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: var(--unit-6);'> <KtButton @click='defaultToast'>default toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='errorToast'>error toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='infoToast'>info toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='successToast'>success toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='warningToast'>warning toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='permanentToast'>permanent toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='minimalisticToast'>minimalistic toast</KtButton> <KtButton @click='linkToast'>link toast</KtButton> </div> </template>
import { success, toaster } from "~/shared/toaster.ts" export const someAction = async () => { // show a toast without waiting for it success({ text: "success" }) // wait for toast to be done showing, or to error when aborted await success({ text: "will wait for this toast" }).done // abort the toast early const toBeAborted = success({ text: "will be aborted" }) toBeAborted.abort() // programmatically push any kind of notification toaster.show({ text: "anything", type: "error" }) // create some custom show handlers with default options const customizedShow = toaster.withOptions({ type: "success" }) const message = customizedShow({ text: "my message" }) await message.done }
<script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue" import { success } from "~/shared/toaster.ts" export default defineComponent({ setup() { return { onClick: async () => { await success({ text: "something went well", }) } } } }) </script> <template> <KtButton label="Show Toast" @click="onClick"> </template>
Initial Setup
This is the per-app setup process forKtToaster
<template> <KtToaster :toaster="toaster" /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue" import { toaster } from "~/shared/toaster.ts" export default defineComponent({ setup() { return { // KtToaster needs a reference to your per-app toaster instance toaster } } }) </script>
import { createToaster } from "@3yourmind/kotti-ui" // create a toaster instance, usually there should only ever be one per app export const toaster = createToaster<{ default: Record<string, never> error: Record<string, never> success: Record<string, never> }>() // show a maximum number of toasts simultaneously, defaults to 3 // export const toaster = createToaster({ numberOfToasts: 6 }) // define custom notification presets with pre-configured options export const error = toaster.withOptions({ duration: 5_000, type: "error" }) export const success = toaster.withOptions({ duration: 5_000, type: "success" }) export const successPersistent = toaster.withOptions({ type: "success" })
<KtToast type='error' /> <KtToast type='info' /> <KtToast type='success' /> <KtToast type='warning' /> <KtToast :type="{ icon: null, backgroundColor: 'var(--gray-10)', darkColor: 'var(--gray-70)', lightColor: 'var(--gray-20)' }" />